
She had not given a second thought if Coeus had followed her or not, at the moment barely caring if he turned tail and ran right then and there. She was morally prepared to face the orange-things once more, but now that she was in a deadly tango with the smallest one, she was beginning to doubt her heedless, brash attack. One paw flailed off of the tough skin of the monster, and ended up tangling up with its whip, causing her to yelp in fear and growl in anger, all the same with the childish edge of play. Though she thought she was in danger, it was exciting! Nothing bad will ever happen in the end, she reminded herself, nothing bad ever happened to her before.

“I guts et!” she said around the orange-thing as she tried to bite it again, her words muddled her intended phrase to reassure the man. But, he charged anyway, and snatched one of the many monsters and began to tear as well, having a more sporting chance in the brawl with his larger size. But, they were outnumdered, and the whips had begun to ravel themselves around the two warriors, tightening whenever they tried to pull away. This proven as much as she tried to yank her paw out of its vines, but to no avail.

“Uh…!” she murmured, still trying to wiggle herself out of the girl spirals. Then, a thought occurred to her, and she yelped her answer, “Die!” When that, she flopped over onto her back, her tongue flying out of her mouth to dang out on the side. After a few moments, lying still besides the thump of her tail, she let out the slightest of breath to whisper to Coeus. “Pretend you’re dead! Maybe they’ll lose interest!”


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