Getting My Feet Under Me
The de Angelo boy had kept mostly to himself since the day he'd spent with Octavius. Something about teen angst, hating the world and enjoying is own company too much. He spent most of his days wondering about his father and why he wasn't around, and why his mother hadn't made him head of the pack yet. He was convinced that he'd be the perfect leader, in all his naivety, and was impatient to take the reins that were supposedly (in his mind) his. In all his laziness his belly had rounded, and the budding muscles on his arms and legs had dwindled to stringy cords. He scoffed as he thought of them.

If he ever hoped to be the leader of anything, he knew, he'd need to be strong. He'd also have to get used to Optime, and practice more like Octavius had told him weeks ago. Slowly the dark male pulled himself up and trotted out of the caves in his favored Secui form. He glanced around, silver eyes inspecting the area for any pack-mates. The prince was still wary of shifting in front of anyone for he felt it was a moment of weakness. Not seeing anyone at the present moment, the boy closed his eyes and shifted, slowly and painstakingly gaining his stance on two feet instead of four. Glancing over himself, he flexed his humanoid hands and shifted his weight from foot to foot, testing his balance. All seemed good to go.

Now that he was ready to train, he realized he had no idea how. Awkwardly he walked over to a nearby tree and placed his foot as high as it could go, stretching. It felt good and seemed like something a muscly wolf would do, so he repeated the action with his other foot. Then he stretched his arms above himself and lifted up on his clawed toes. After stretching, he decided to drop down to the ground and place his hands below his shoulders, then pushed himself up. It was the most awkward and clumsy push-up ever, but he continued, feeling as though he was getting somewhere. Desperately skinny and lanky, the boy needed to get some muscle built up or he'd get nowhere.

The poor fool just didn't know what he was doing.

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