You can’t have peace without a war
[/html]Wraith was glad that the lady agreed to help. Even more, she was glad that she had done it without protest. Wraith was ever-conscious that she was quite young to hold an important rank in the clan; and from the lady’s scent, she determined that she was the higher-ranked of the two. Even though she knew she would always have a place in the clan—her father made that abundantly clear—she still worried so much. She figured that one day, she would feel more secure of her place, but until then, she had to prove to everyone that she was more than just some kid, just some child of some dead warrior, and just some child of some traitor to the clan.

She crouched down to sweep the ground with her hands, with her fingers splayed and her arms reaching in front of her. She paused when the lady gave her her name. She straightened up and turned to the lady, who seemed to be a bit closer now as she tried to find the lost arrow.

“Nice to meet you,” she replied automatically. “I’m Wraith Creed. I’m a scout here,” she explained, but then realized that it didn’t explain much. “But I’m learning how to use a bow and arrow from Ithiel.” She hoped that her secondary explanation would remedy any potential confusion. [html]

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