Birthday Celebration
OOC: Bringing Kativa into this one. :3

Another boring day waiting for something to happen. Sidra sat around a dead campfire with Kativa on the other end. They both sat with a bottle of wine being passed between them. The mood was boring, birds chirping and sun shining through the trees above. Kativa grunted as she took another swig from the bottle passing it to her partner who also took a drink. "Could today get any MORE boring...Sidra, weren't you going to join Casa? Are you going to do that anytime soon or sit around procrastinating?" Sidra's brow furrowed as she looked over at the hybrid. "I'll do it when I feel like. I'm not sure it's going to work out." Kativa's head cocked at the statement, then lowered as she glared at the calico female. "What did you do now? Cause trouble within their pack?" Sidra glared right back, the two having a staring contest. The horses whinnied in the background, just as restless as the two hybrids before them. Just when Sidra was preparing an answer, a howl echoed through the woods. It was a happy howl inviting everyone and anyone to join in on a celebration. Both of the girl's ears perked at this opportunity.

"Sorry Kativa, looks like there's a party calling for us." With that, she quickly got her things together, put on her usual red cloak, and hopped atop Soloman who was rearing to go anywhere. "See ya there!" She took off not even waiting for her companion. Kativa groaned and moved to Belias to catch up with her energized partner. "You....whatever." She gave Belias a swift kick in the rib and they were off closely following Sully and Sidra. The two raced through the forest, competing with one another to get there first. Of course Kativa would win. Belias was much faster than Soloman, built for speed.

The two reached the city in a short time. They rode through following the commotion in the town, this was a big one. A large grin splayed across Sidra's face at the chance to party. Never would she turn such an occasion down. Once the reached the building where the part was held they tied up the horses and entered eyes feasting on the happy atmosphere inside. The ruckus seemed to be focused around a blond Optime female who was dancing, eating, and drinking around a freshly lit fire. "Yes! The party has arrived everyone!!" As if Sidra knew the blond she walked towards her with a bottle of wine in hand. "What might be the occasion my friend. Seems to be a lovely party you have going on. I drink to you!" She took a large gulp from the bottle happy to have found someone to party with, other than Kativa, who was more interested in the food than the festivities. She was picking at the moose, hands and maw bloodied already. Sidra took in her surroundings noting everyone who had attended, it was lively and fun. The perfect distraction from life and the troubles that accompanied it.

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