A Different Kind of Game

Current Objective:Waiting to discuss things. ---
Mood: Calm-----

There were a few things that one had t be comfortable with when they did what he did. One of those was losing friends. People were all too emotional. They didn’t like the idea that their friends might always be out for themselves. Thy didn’t like the possibility of being listed as a tool, as a pawn in some game. And well X’ies could never help doing what he did. From a young age the training he received, and his genetics played out their role in shaping him into what he was. Would he take it back though just to become normal? Just to belong to this little secret crowd? To join the ignorant masses was not his goal, his task was to move those masses. Things had changed in these few years, mostly his appearance. Back when they had been young he had been sleeker, his fur had always been course, rough but never unkempt like this.

Of course, it was all a rouse, underneath his personality held all the regality that one would expect from one of his family. Waiting on his childhood ‘friend’ to follow he began to think of just what it was that had brought him here, he was here to indeed find his own truth about just what she was doing. But then what? An amusing thought followed. Hat if he joined her? No, he doubted that would be an acceptable idea. The other male clearly disliked him, but then that was down to himself. Couldn’t really help it though, X’y knew his words well, and this new comer, this stranger had yet to be tested. To Jaden of course HE was the stranger. But twas not the way the Lambda saw it. He sat there, thinking of times in the past, musing over what had come ad what was going to be.

For this meeting he had thought about moving into his other form to match the female and the other male. But he disliked the idea of it, as strange as it sounded to say he much preferred this form, despite the clear lack of opposable thumbs hindering the ability to pick and use items. Using those items was not of his concern, he was what he was, and under the dirt he was the…wolf in “Lamb”das clothing. A wolf he was, and a wolf he would be. One sought no interest in trying to replicate the form of other species. Though this meeting he thought required truth if it was going to fully come from both of them, he wondered just what that meant.

Would he have to cast all deceptions aside in order to get a truth? Perhaps that was the case. So with that in mind X’ies moved into the lake, only for a moment placing his head under the water. When he emerged he was quite wet, dripping to the bone. Although it wasn’t something that was unfixable. First of all he shook himself to take care the majority of his wetness. Then laid down on a nearby bolder in a manner akin to a lizard. Fixing his coat to make it appear as it should have normally. Regality returned. Although, still somewhat damp. It was uncomfortable. Not the dampness, but the lack of disguise. Still that oo much like its removal could be fixed through time. For now there was nothing for him to do but await the arrival of the curious one.


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