my heart, waiting in the rain
His ears flattened a little, slightly embarrassed that he'd leaped directly into the work. He couldn't see a reason why not to, but maybe he should have waited for Claudius to finish speaking. He wanted to help though. He knew what needed to be done, and whether or not he was very good with identifying what was wrong he would do what he could to help Aniwaya. He didn't spend much time going through, the pile of tools that was broken carefully noted.

He couldn't write. The marks that he made to track the tools were indecipherable to anyone other than him. Hadley knew what was wrong with each one, or at least a general idea of it, but someone else might not be able to make sense of it. As calmly as he could he continued sorting through. The tools that were useful were sorted according to what he could understand the use. Shovels were easy. Rake things, harder. Some he didn't even recognize, but he still did his best to understand.

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