Here You Go, Daddy
She was a bit surprised at the form he had taken but Ayasha wouldn't do too much about it. Liam was napping yet she was an odd mix of being exhausted and yet really awake. She supposed it was because she was a bit afraid that something would happen to the pups if she fell asleep for too long. She was a very new mother and didn’t really know much about what she was doing. She was relying a lot on instinct and advice from Panda.

She looked up when he came over and put his neck across hers and he gave her cheek a kiss. She replied with a kiss to his nose. "I'm OK. A little sore still but hopefully that will get better soon." She then felt the need to apologize for kicking him out and nearly taking off a finger. "Liam, I'm sorry how I acted when they were born. I know I had promised you that you could stay but I went mostly on instinct. And I'm also sorry about Kai being there. I didn’t invite him." She buried her nose in his neck. "And I'm sorry about the stillborn." She instinctively knew that it might be better to not let him know the color of the stillborn, even if he would be glad about it.

But he looked at awe at them and since they were asleep she figured he might like to hold them again. "You can hold them if you want? You are the father and can hold them whenever you want, as long as they aren't feeding. They might get a bit cranky about that." But she glanced at his form. [b]"Though you might want to shift so you can actually hold them. She was amused for some reason and waited for him to speak or change, or both.

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