Here You Go, Daddy
He glanced between her and the pups for a moment, then settled on resting his head and forepaws on the bed, his haunches resting on the ground. Her words caused him to glance at her, and amused smile on his face. "Don't worry about it too much, kiddo. You didn't hurt me. As for the still born..."

His gaze turned back to the two little ones, who were sleeping. "I've been told its common. Runts rarely survive. I know that. I suppose we're lucky it was gone before drawing a breath, rather than having to watch it linger." If it had been a black pup, he didn't know how he would have felt. There was no way a product of himself and Ayasha could be evil, but that dream he'd had, the dreams he always had about the evil wolves killing him from behind....what if?

She said he could hold them, if he shifted, and he glanced at her. "I... uh.... I think you're doing fine with them." He glanced at them again. "They're tiny" It was meant to be an offhanded comment, serving to distract her from convincing hi to hold them. Instead, the tone in which he said it revealed his insecurity about holding them, the common fears of all men when it comes to the newborn of their species. What if I drop it? What if it wakes up? What if it doesn't like me?

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