[VN] Maintenance & Updates
Frequently Asked Questions

These are questions that have been asked by our members in the past. We've made them available to you as a means of reference. Smile

  1. On the website, you guys mention really 'shabby' houses in the back of Jordheim, which houses would those be on the map?

    The four houses all the way south-east are pretty shabby in comparison to the other houses. Most are windowless and very small.

Pack Game
  1. I wrote a 400 word post, do I get 4 points in the pack game?

    No, the pack game points are distributed as such: 3 pts for 300 points, 5 pts for 500 points, and so on. 3 points would be attributed for a 400 word post.
  2. I'm interested in donating some art as a prize for our pack game! How should I proceed?

    Awesome! We already have a few artists willing to help us out with prizes, why not get in touch with the leadership to see if you can too?

Rank Promotions
  1. I've posted 20 times since joining the pack. I should be promoted to Hollr. Do I need to PM anyone about this?

    No. We keep track of your post count for you! You will be promoted automatically when the next activity check comes around.

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