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Family Members

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Just a reminder, all information 'About' the character is common knowledge to the pack only. If there is something secret about your character, don't ruin the surprise!

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[Profile] | [PM]
Jaden Ohanzee

About: Jaden is kind hearted and that is usually easy to see once you get to know him. Though gruff if the mood strikes him, he’ll quickly help any of his fellow pack members with almost anything so long as they are willing to ask. He also tends to show his gruff side off a bit more around coyotes and coyote blooded hybrids. Jaden’s main skills include: Archery, short bladed combat, offensive and defensive unarmed combat, weapon maintenance, and poison making. Some of his other skills are: weapon crafting, leather working, and cooking! You can usually find him training with his bow or daggers in the Evan’ules Reserve, patrolling the pack’s borders, or wandering about near the Alpha’s Chambers.

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

.Personal Inventory

Items: Usually carries two daggers, a bow, and a quiver of arrows when in Optime form

Current Plots: None atm

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X'yrin Exultare

About: X'yrin was born an Exultare (warrior) Nomad and remains one at heart. Her devotion is to her Sangi'lak family and none other unless it is earned. Her skills extend to Offensive and Defensive combat, High and Low speech, Falconry and some odds and ends Crafting. When not in the Alpha's Chambers, she can be found wandering the territory collecting many natural items from bones, furs, to attractive stones or flowers. Most often she has a very gentle demeanor, always soft-spoken and hardly seen without a smile on her face. Spotting her in a foul or angered mood is a rare, but unforgettable event.

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

.Personal Inventory

Items: Wooden Owl, Pelts, One metallic Dagger, many Owl and Vulture feathers, Fox-furred shoulder, One Half-Cloak

Companions: Two Great Eurasian Owls (one male, one female), One Bearded Vulture

Current Plots: n/a

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X'ies Lambda

About: Like X’yrin, X’ies was born of the Nomads, a member of the Lambda (Political) faction. Dissent, Manipulation and cold Logic are a part of his very being. His loyalties are generally limited to himself, and to a lesser extent his Nomad brethren X’yrin. Through her, this extends to the rest of the pack albeit in a somewhat limited manner. His main skills include: Intuitive Understanding of Body language and, once he gets to know them, Thought Processes. Manipulation, Planning, Torture (mental) and to a lesser extent, Bartering are also a part of his skill set. X’ies is not a fighter; his main weapons are his mind, and his tongue. If things do get physical, he does not hesitate to use dirty tactics to achieve victory over more skilled opponents. Survival is paramount, and the dead can worry about honor.

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

.Personal Inventory

Items: Owl Feather (Nomad Mark of the Wise)

Current Plots: n/a

[Profile] | [PM]

About: Asgeir is an older wolf who has spent the majority of his life on the open road, trading goods and services for his dinner. He is talented with the spear, usually striking near his intended target even with his scrap of plaid cloth covering his right eye. Said eye tends to droop and give him double-vision due to unilateral myasthenia gravis.

Asgeir is a skilled woodworker and carpenter, fashioning everything from small trinkets to chairs and tables, and more recently, buildings. While an introvert, occasionally Asgeir will really take to someone, as he did X’yrin.

Alignment: True Neutral

.Personal Inventory

Items: Wagon, two horses, assorted lumber, a set of chisels, and a nice knife.

Current Plots:

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.Personal Inventory


Current Plots:

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.Personal Inventory


Current Plots:

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