If I only knew how to pull myself apart

i can't escape the twisted way you think of me
i feel you in my dreams and i don’t sleep

Word Count → 409 || Points → 3 :: Ooc.

Rio tried to keep the distance between them as best as she could, but he kept moving toward her and she didn’t know when she would run out of space. Soon, like as if she was psychic, she backed into a wall, but she was too afraid to take her eyes off of the male, afraid he would do something in the 2 seconds that her attention was off of him. My mother was never nice. Rio began to feel sorry for herself, all at the wrong time of course. She really didn’t know what her mother liked, and she really couldn’t confirm that this black wolf before wasn’t her type. Rio really didn’t know, and as much as she wanted to admit that she did- it was a front. A lie.

Rio snorted, playing her front well, despite the fear that was evident on her face. ”She was probably just trying to be nice, and not hurt your feelings. She’s respectful enough, plus she likes to keep males close for whenever she needs them.” Her eyes were squinted and her tone sounded pretty confident as she attempted to diss the male. His next sentence came at her like a low blow, like what she had said before didn't matter and was directed to no one, a waste of breath. Mother and daughter? That meant me! Rio gasped and the exhale of the gasp turned into a full on snarl. She stepped toward the male now, she would not be raped again. Even though he didn’t say anything about taking anything from her, she still took it as a threat to take what he wanted, just like Harlowe did. She wouldn’t let that happen again. It fucked her up too much, and just as she was getting over it- it was about to happen again?

Rio lifted up another paw and struck him in the face, harder this time and as hard as she could. She was pissed off now, so the adrenaline was helping her weak strength a little. She used the few seconds he was distracted to run and get out of the corner she was backed into. She circled him and stopped, her back now facing the stairs she climbed earlier. If anything, now she would be able to run. ”I don’t owe you anything.” It was preposterous! She never wanted anything from anyone who ever hit her. She would not give this slimy male anything.

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