[m] [aw] you'll be free, child, once you have died
WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.

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Setting Location Form
Location: Drifter Bay

Date: 10 June* (Okay with changing)

Weather: Warm, slightly overcast

Time: Midday

(655) Ignore the length pls, apparently this is what I do to get myself back into the swing when I haven't felt like roleplaying at all. @_@;; Edit: And I am apparently also stupid and this thread was in the wrong forum for hours. @_@;;;

Draugr is by me!

Draugr ran the comb through the mare's mane. It was the pale golden color of wheat, sandy and streaked with brighter yellow in a sparse few places. The horse was the prize of her war spoils -- though she'd not killed anyone, as a soldier she was entitled to her shade of the plunder. The mare was, without a doubt, crown jewel of that share. Tall and thickly built, the horse had become acclimated to her new owner and home almost immediately. Dra dared not ride thus far, but she had spent many hours brushing mane, tail, and coat.

She'd learned only after much pestering how to clean the ungulate's hooves. Miqui hadn't been eager to waste a morning -- as he'd put it -- educating an equestrian novice. But Dra had broken him eventually. Miqui was no longer frightening to Dra -- since their trip south to AniWaya, she thought she understood him better. Gruff as he was, he was also dependable and loving toward his family. Though Draugr was but an Associate, she, too, qualified as a part of that family. It made her smile to think of them -- brothers and sisters all.

The drab wolfdog led her horse out of the broken room on a long rope lead. The big mare followed obediently, eager to stretch her legs. The mare plodded after her owner, dark eyes following the young wolfdog's every move. Her big and heavy hooves left prints in the dirt ringing Dra's home. The grasses had been cropped short, and the earth was already torn into a circular parth by dozens of similar walks. Dra walked her in a circle around and around her low-slung stone home, trying to conceal her glee with this companion to no avail. She was overjoyed to own such an animal, and to have earned the mare by her own achievement --- Draugr was proud of herself, most certainly. Though she'd had the horse many weeks, the novelty still hadn't worn off -- perhaps because she'd yet to sit upon Dyrne's back?

The hybrid halted, and the horse stopped behind her. Dra moved toward the animal hesitantly. Dyrne wore no saddle at the moment, though Dra had learned how to put it on and knew the animal would tolerate the seat upon her back. Considering, the wolfdog stood watching her horse a moment until finally, she skittered back into her home and fetched the saddle. A few moments later, it was in place upon the chestnut equine's back, cinched and buckled in all the proper places. Dra tugged on one side of the saddle and found it to her liking.

Dra had ridden before, but Dyrne was taller than the chestnut she'd ridden all the way back from AniWaya. The horse knew what was happening, though, and stood strong as the drab-furred hybrid struggled to gain her seat. She first tried to throw one leg over the horse entirely and almost fell before she put the right leg into the stirrup and found her place. Quite suddenly, she found herself sitting in the saddle, feet tucked properly into the stirrups. They were just a little too long for comfort, but she supposed that could be fixed. Hands almost trembling with excitement, the silver-tinged wolfdog picked up the reins and looked down at her horse.

She squeezed her legs together and the horse started forward. Giving a little yip of excitement, the dusky-furred wolfdog drove her horse forward and faster, and soon they were trotting over the marshes in the center of Salsola's territory. Sooner still, they splashed down and into the little creek called Deception. Cold droplets of water pelted Draugr in the legs, but they felt quite good. The open marshes of Drifter Bay stretched before her and her horse, the lingering fog thin and barely visible with the midday heat.

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