Her breathing was labored as she jauntily traversed the terrain, each step light, leaving little to no sign that she had been there at all. Each compact muscle rippled finely beneath her ordinary pelt, like gears grinding beneath a sheet of metal in a machine. Fatigue plagued every fiber of her being, but she continued with the single most powerful motivation a canine could possibly have pushing and pushing her forward. The desire to be part of something greater, to be part of a pack, was her impetus. She could not bear to be alone for any longer.

A strange, pungent odor clashed with the deserted earthiness of her environment. Her bi-pigmented gaze skimmed the vicinity as her gait slowly declined from a mild trot to a sluggish crawl. Her tail stiffened, bristling as it hovered parallel to her body. She could feel her body chemistry begging to transform into her second, more powerful state, but it was an impulse she denied herself. She was far more agile in this form, and in case she had to make a quick get-away she'd need speed and size not to work against her.

As she continued, the scent grew so unavoidable that she had to come to a complete halt in her approach. Whatever was in the direction she was going had made a point of making a boarder, and she didn't intend to pass it. But what else could she do? She couldn't turn back now. Bewildered, her hind legs slid under her and she sat, shuffling her forelegs and thinking about what to do... Her mind was filled with images of what might lay just beyond, perhaps others like her, or perhaps something so hellishly devious that a single encounter with it may end her existence in a second or two. This conflict lead her to dwelling for much longer than she initially expected. Hours passed like minutes while she wandered in vivid, and occasionally gory, fantasies.

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