there'll be peace when you are done
  • Posting Order: Alma, Draugr?
  • NPC Participants & Player Controller: Karel, Piet. Vague mention of Chryses.
  • Desired Result: Karel will die, not sure about Piet.
  • Participants: Draugr, Ithiel (NPC?)

In other news, I am slow.

Alma was in the back of Inferni's war-band. Her bright orange fur was concealed with dried mud and bits of foliage. Her hair was pulled into one large braid and tied with sinew, instead of the four she usually had dangling around her mane. She wanted no distractions and nothing blocking her view, which might happen if the smaller braids came loose and her hair blew in her face.

The orange coyote had tried to make sure she was prepared for the coming battle: she selected her best crafted arrows to place in her quiver, made sure her bow had no cracks that might lead it to breaking mid-battle, tied knife she'd acquired from a previous fight around her belt and made sure to rest before the fight. The latter had been difficult to do with the coming battle in mind, and now she was left wondering she had forgotten something or left it in her den.

Adrenaline flooded her system when the camp came within sight. It was telling her to charge her opponents and attack, but the coywolf managed to restrain herself; she knew her strength lied in her ability to use a bow, not in her knife-wielding. She wouldn't stand a chance against these armed wolves, particularly while they were on horseback. While the rest of her clan dispersed into the Boreas camp, she skulked behind a bush and observed the melee from the relative safety of the camp's edge.

There was a red-eyed, gray wolf within her range. He held a contraption she'd never seen before, was firing projectiles at a dark woman she immediately recognized as Chryses. She was fighting another wolf at close range. Alma had no idea of her skill or whether she was able to fend off two attackers, but it struck her as unfair. The coyote raised her bow, deciding she'd even the odds a little. She notched an arrow, aimed for his head and released.

It hit him in the back, producing a cry of pain and surprise from the male. Her aim was off, but it had hit nonetheless. She would have been pleased if she had time for emotion. As it was, she withdrew another arrow from her quiver and fired.

The wolf turned to face her. He spotted the arrow coming towards him and moved so it merely grazed the side of his face. Before Alma could pull another arrow out of her quiver, he raised his crossbow and released a bolt. She had just enough time to drop her bow and raise her arms in front of her face.

The force of it surprised her; she lost her balance and fell backwards into the dirt. Alma lied stunned for several seconds, before it occurred to her that she should move before he came close. She pulled out the bolt stuck in her arm, then sat up and hunched behind the bush. She picked up her bow, but her injured arm was too unsteady to hold it. With a growl of frustration, she dropped it and pulled her quiver off.

It took longer for the male to load his crossbow than it did for her to notch an arrow, which gave her some time to prepare, but not enough. He released another a bolt. Although he couldn't quite see the coyote, he wasn't stupid and knew she was hiding behind that bush.

The bolt hit the ground beside Alma. Just a few inches closer, and she might have had another wound. She pulled the dagger out of her belt, holding with her steady hand. It was fortunate that her dominant hand had avoided being wounded, or she might not have been able to use even that. She was taking a big chance with this as it was; she wasn't good at close combat, but she had a suspicion that her opponent wasn't either, because he had chosen to shot at her through a bush instead of running to attack her while she was on her back.

The orange coyote pulled herself up and sprang from the bushes, curling her lip to show her teeth. No words came of her mouth, but they weren't needed. The gray male fiddled with his crossbow in an increasingly frantic manner as the mud-covered creature ran towards him, then finally dropped it and pulled out a knife of his own.

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