And we'll dance forever...
Jace returned back towards her mate throughout the crown having fulfilled her polite obligation to provide gifts to prove her sincerity. Now maybe she could start to enjoy the night a bit without having to worry. She haw Honrin briefly on her way through the crown and smiled sadly at him, the young boy looked completely miserable with all the unknown company around him. She knew of the problem that plagued his young life, for he had told her in the dark of the night one time when she had awoken with an odd feeling in her stomach. she had followed his scent to find the small child crying. It was hard for Jace to see him suffering so and not be able to do anything about it, the hybrid was comforted though to see Pandora heading towards Honrin and saw the boy perk up a bit now that his sister was with him.

Jace carried on her way moving like an acrobat throughout the large crowd. The graceful woman didn't speak to anybody however, she was too concerned with making her way back to her mate who she had left alone to give her gift. She knew Temo liked parties and gatherings about as much as Honrin did and he didn't interact very easily with others, Jace was more sociable but she wouldn't consider herself a social butterfly, she was more prone to making moral raising speeches than polite conversation. She smiled as she finally reached him,

"Hey, mission was a success, Jazper was quite pleased with my gift." Jace turned and looked out longingly at the dancing couples, but she wouldn't put him in an awkward position by insisting he dance with her.

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