What Lies Beneath


From all the books he read, he had gathered much knowledge, and he could see no downside from the way his books shaped him, but one. He wanted to be as human as possible that he had become forgetful of what a quote and quote a real wolf was supposed to behave and dress, and overall a bit disilluational. He believed that all Luperci should adapt to what the humans left behind and to evolve from their primitive ways, but he was not going to go tell Eclipse what to do because of what he thought. All he could do was try to let her see the advantages.

"But it is very useful during the winter, to keep you extra warm, like your scarf but even better. Some clothing can even protect you from things--but, alas, I do not have any such thing. But, it does have a good purpose." What he owned could be called drab by the more artistically clothed canine that ran with Cercatori, but he knew they were durable, and barely went without clothing for personal image. If he was going to be smart, he may as well dress the part as well. Besides, he thought as he glanced sideways at her, he believed the waistcoat was fitting for Eclipse, and wondered if she ever wore clothing often besides her scarf.

He listened as she spoke of the houses, and nodded in agreement. "My mother told me that the houses were recently renewed since a snowstorm destroyed many that some were not living in. I would not know, since the storm happened a few months before I was born... Anyway, a lot of these houses did have people in them at one point or another, and sometimes they leave things behind. They might be dangerous, or useful, so we should keep our eyes out for anything interesting."

He led her away from the woods and back into town, making a straight line for his own house. He paused when they reached a wooden dwelling, and looked back at the woman. "If you can wait here for a moment, I'll go get a new candle." With that, he stepped into his home, and a minute later came back out with a more fiercely lit lantern. "Now that is out of the way, which way do you want to go first?" He was not sure exactly where she wanted to live, unknown to him if she wanted to live near a certain location, and thought she may have a general idea where she wanted to start looking.


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