What Lies Beneath


He blinked at her suggestion, and had to mull over it only for a second. "I never climbed to my roof before. I never had a reason to." He barely had a reason to go outside in the first place besides to hunt for food, which he never lacked of. When his mediocre skills proved to useless, he could always find something to eat in the garden or something stored somewhere. Other than that, he held no interest for the outside world until recently when he had started to run low on reading material.

Again, he did not understand her fascination for the night sky, but admittedly he had become a little curious. He begun to thought that perhaps he should try to climb on top of his roof on a clear night and to see if he could see something flit across the sky--no. "I have no time for that, I still have books to read," he stated out loud and distantly, more to convince himself than to Eclipse. He had a persona to keep up. He could not be caught on his rooftop gazing at the stars, to let others believe he was some daydreaming fool. No, he was realistic, and had to believe there was nothing special about the sky other than its navigational usage. He would not allow himself to be tangled in something so childish, despite the fact about how young he still was.

He silently followed after the other as she entered the house, leaving a crack in the door as he stepped inside. Like he had expected, it was empty and scented of disuse. It was bare besides the furniture that was placed that was typical for most houses that were not claimed. With his light held in front of him, he cast a glow around the room that Eclipse had entered. "The best thing about the houses is that they are pretty flexible. You can do whatever you want with the extra rooms: use them as a place to primarily paint, craft, or whatever large activity one does." He added with a slightly mocking tone, "Better than a tree trunk so far?"


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