[m] [aw] up in the north
WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.

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Setting Location Form
Location: Cape Hopewell

Date: 22 June* (Okay with changing)

Weather: Clear, warm, slightly muggy

Time: Dusk


Draugr is by me!

The strange city loomed up all around her. It was not so grand a city as Halifax, and it seemed in more disrepair, but it was no less a city, for all that. No matter where she went, the dark-furred hybrid heard the crash of waves against the shore, seeming to echo through the empty streets. That was comforting, at least -- the coastline and water were familiar to Draugr, who had spent most of her adolescence within Salsola, always in close contact with the water. The landlocked earliest months of her life, traveling eastward, were sparse memories, else she might have felt differently.

Dyrne moved beneath her, carrying the wolfdog and her supplies with ease. This was one of the more marvelous advantages to owning a horse -- Draugr had traveled more hours away from Salsola than she ever had before, picking her way along the eastern coast. Once, she thought she might have passed quite close to a pack's border, and she wasn't certain if she'd trespassed or not. The thought was less troubling than it might have been otherwise -- the axe she'd gotten from their attackers was strapped securely behind her back. Dra realized she'd need to dismount in order to use it and she hadn't ever actually fought with it, but it was a comforting thought nonetheless.

Presently, the city began to fade, and she carried along the coast, soon moving past the suburban sprawl and into forested highlands. Only the occasional barn and farmhouse -- most dilapidated and falling in on themselves -- remained as evidence of humanity. Soon even they disappeared, and she moved through thick wilderness. The shadows grew deeper as the day progressed rapidly toward dusk, and Draugr soon began thinking of stopping for the night. Camping out like this was positively exhilarating to the young wolfdog -- already, she'd encountered a stranger or three. Two had run away on the sight of her, and the third had been insistent upon trade to a frightening extent. Draugr took her own leave of that last one hastily, and had spent a few harrowing hours hoping the trader girl wasn't following.

When they came across a small stream, the drab wolfdog pulled the horse to a stop and tied her lead rope around a tree, within drinking distance of the stream and with plenty of long, vibrantly green grass nearby. For her part, Draugr undid the horse's various fastenings and baubles, setting the saddle on a fallen tree, and only then undid her own straps, leaning her axe against the same tree as she sat there, stretching out her arms and legs and grinning toward her mare. Dyrne busied herself with the grass, and Draugr set about eating her own food. She had dried meat from Salsola's stores, and though it was less tasty than fresh meat by far, it sated her well enough.

When she was finished, the hybrid meandered a little closer to the coast. It was only twenty feet or so from her camp, and upon seeing the view, Dra was infinitely glad of her decision to have a look. The drop down to the muddy shore was far more severe than the raised beaches of Salsola, and there were strange formations in the rocks, looming out of the shadowy sea. Pines and other hardy plants seemed to grow outward from their uppermost extremities, and even in the fast-disappearing light Dra could see the sharp tide line. She leaned against one of the trees and gawked for a few long moments, pale purple eyes wide and wondering at the beauty before her.

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