Dance on into the night
A giggle escaped from Isa as he moved her, as charming as he had once been. His words were actually a lot slicker, considering that he'd usually been drunk when trying to charm someone. With a clear head his charm actually worked, instead of just being a bunch of foolish strutting around, preening himself. Though he didn't know it, Hadley was probably a very charming male. He would never see himself in that way, scarred and nervous as he was, but it was in there, hidden away.

Blushing at her words he ducked his head, not knowing what to say in reply. He was still afraid of hurting her. Of ruining everything. Occasionally he thought of Savannah, of how similar she was to Isa. Of how much damage he had managed to do. He had worked to make sure it wouldn't happen again, but who was to say that he wouldn't be weak, that he wouldn't one day hurt her? He was afraid of that happening, even as he pulled her closer as he slowed their dance.

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