whistling static


Robert blinked in surprise as she denied his words and claimed the opposite. He glanced once, back to Dalgina, and then back to his own drawings as he listened to her words. In a different situation, if he was not looking at his pictures, he would have sniffed at her words and openly disagree with her. But, he found himself remaining silent as she described how they were beautiful. After a moment's pause when she was finished speaking, he said, "...I have to suppose you are right."

To what extent, he did not say out loud, for he was not sure himself. He was not used to praise, and did not know how to accept it.

As his hand gracefully moved over the paper without a rest, he took a quick glance at the girl's face that was trained hard on the drawing that swelled from the quill''s tip onto the paper. The Collins looked back down to the drawing, but now his lips curled in the slightest of a smirk.

The stem, the base and the support for the picture, was completed, and petals started to bloom from under the the feather's tip. They were evenly splayed out from a circular center, and soon the last leaf had reached out alongside its many twins, and his hand slowed as it made the final touches of the shading, a few strokes here and there. He lifted his hand away from the daisy that had sprung to the paper in a matter of minutes, and raised his head to look at Dalgina.

"Do you want to try?" he asked as he settled the quill next to the flower, "I got extra parchments and things to draw with." He did not usually offer things to others, but for some reason, he felt like sharing with the girl.


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