Out father, who art in Hell
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OOC: 20th June, 300+
Gemma Rhiannon-Sawtooth
I don't wanna live in fear and loathing; I wanna feel like I am floating
instead of constantly exploding

"Come on now! Come on now puppies! It's not much further now, you'll see. Just wait till you see uncle Tal and your cousin." She urged the children on as they trotted beside her, taking several tiny steps for every one of hers. Payne was silent next to her brother but Nate-River was making himself very clear that he wanted up and he wanted it now. "Up! Ma! Up! She laughed, a cheery, happy sound that had both of their stubby tails wagging. They were only small though and tired easily so despite the fact that it was them that wanted to walk and not be carried, she picked them both up and placed them inside the blanket tied to her chest. They were babies of a coyote though so they weren't as large as normal wolf pups would be and so still fitted inside their makeshift carrier although only just.

From there they watched quite happily as Gemma covered the remaining ten minutes of travel to get from AniWaya to Cercatori. She was a fairy amongst the grass as she listened to her children bickering in their puppy's language. She felt as light as the air blowing about her, they were alive, they were strong and healthy, they were hers. And if anybody tried to take them from her, she'd fight them tooth and nail. Finally the fae reached her destination, the border's of the pack her brother lived in. Now she did remove Payne and Nate-River from their pouch. They peered up at her together, confused by her actions,

"Come now, we need to call for Uncle Tal. Can you be big and do that with me?" Their versions of howls were squeaky mockery of a true call, it was so adorable. Gemma raised her head and let out her distinctive coyote yipping howl with the deep undertones of a wolf. The two pups watched their mother in amazement, her howl vastly overpowered their own. Nate-River was the first to join in, his warbly, high-pitched voice intertwining with her own. Payne also joined in after a fwe moments hesitation from her brother, she was a lot quieter, as though she didn't want to bring attention to herself.

Image by Bojadzi

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