Rising up from the ground
The dusty boy winced as Neela ploughed into the ground, an almost guilty expression on his face, if it had been another male he would have been rolling on his butt laughing but Lorenzo was generally less of an asshat about such things to women, at least the ones he knew and got on fairly well with. He did make some kind of attempt to catch her but his attempt fell so short of her he might as well not bothered. Still he had the grace to look at her guiltily.

"Ahh, sorry." The moves she had been using though were extraordinary, Lorenzo had always been under the impression that because he was large such maneuvers were off limits to him because of his weight and height, it would be physically impossible for him to perform then but maybe Neela knew a way he could practice. He felt a little uncomfortable at her angry explanation, he knew about the fight out in the forest, everyone did pretty much but he had not mentioned it, not wanting her to be embarrassed and now his ears laid back, displaying empathy for her instead of pity.

He blinked in surprise and looked down at his bracelet. "Aye, thes es mah Bratherhood token. Tha piece of fluorite marks me as ah member. Tha Mirino, ah trackar." He was quite obviously proud of his achievement, being the first of anyone except the leaders to have the lofty title placed upon his shoulder.

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