Rising up from the ground
Like all the times before he listened to advice and corrected himself where he went wrong and improved his failings when they fell short. He was no master but he was on the start of his journey to becoming one if he so wished to pursue it further. He went through the kick again and again, each time it got a little easier, the balance came quicker and he became more confident at it. In time almost two hours had passed since the start of their little teaching session and once again Lorenzo stood before the punching bag that was almost an enemy to him now.

He bunched in on himself and curled around, bringing up his right leg from the ground and using the force of it to swing his body forwards, using the strength of his leg rather than his hips. His foot extended outwards and time seemed to slip into slow motion for him and he twisted on the ball of his left foot. And then suddenly it was on fast forwards at twice its normal speed. His shin connected with the punching bag with as much force as he could muster and there was an almighty crack from the tree and the punching bag went sailing through the air and bouncing to a stop several feet away. A piece of the trees branch ripped away hung from its tattered ends.

Lorenzo blinked in stunned silence for a moment before laughter bubbled up his throat and the male doubled over trying to breath through his gasping guffaws.

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