At Day's End
Hi there! Big Grin

Night was fast approaching. The sun was sinking behind the trees and painting the sky with brilliant colors. Pinks, oranges and purples all blazed to life in the wispy clouds on the horizon, but unfortunately Kenna was not able to see its beauty. The collie woman was far too busy cleaning out stalls in the barn after having fed and bathed her own mount, Dust. Since arriving in Cercatori D'Arte, the Pastore had thrown herself into the care of not only her own stallion, but some of the pack's other horses as well. She had yet to find many other ways to occupy her time but that didn't really bother her. She loved animals after all. She knew she needed to get out and meet more of her pack mates though. But for some reason nervousness always plagued her at the thought of throwing herself out there for others to see. It was very unlike her and she rather resented her new found shyness.

With a small frown on her maw as she shoveled manure with a pitchfork out of Dust's stall, Kenna mentally tried to work out how to overcome her current social awkwardness. Normally she was the outgoing type, but she supposed until she felt truly comfortable within the ranks of the pack, she'd be hesitant to be her normal self. Blue eyes focused on her task as she moved the neat piles of digested hay and grasses into a small cart to be hauled away, perhaps used as fertilizer for the garden nearby. With her fur slightly damp from sweat from her exertion, the woman finally stood upright and leaned the pitchfork against the stall wall. Wiping her brow with a small cloth, Kenna glanced around her in the fading light. It'd be time to fetch Dust from outside now.

Ensuring that the stallion's straw bedding was completely spread out on the floor, Kenna then grabbed up Dust's halter and started for the barn door. She hoped that Dust would come quietly this time. Ever since he'd been stabled in the CdA stables, he'd been copping quite an attitude, much to the hybrid girl's annoyance. She figured he was just getting too comfy in the easy life, and with other mares around, his natural male tendencies might be getting the better of him. Sighing softly, Kenna started over to one of the hitch posts outside the stables where she'd left the Buckskin horse tied while she cleaned his stall. Nickering softly as she approached, Dust's ears pricked and he pawed the ground seemingly happy to see her. Smiling gently she patted his nose before beginning to slide his rope halter over his face. 'So far so good...' She thought, glad that the male wasn't going to give her any grief about turning in for the night.

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