At Day's End
So sorry I took forever on this D:

The stallion's scream pieced the air, shrill and deeply irritating. Emmett was being stubborn again and Honrin was not in the mood to deal with his psychotic bastard of a horse. The white male grabbed at the equally pale horse's collar and pulled him down from his rearing tantrum. He was rolling his eyes like a psycho and snorting aggressively. Emmett made to bite him viciously and Honrin swatted him across the nose gaining another high pitched scream from the insane horse.

"It's switch-grass you stupid animal, it's not going to kill you." The whole reason for this tantrum was that Emmett did not want to drag behind him the large bale of switch-grass that Honrin had spent a good portion of the last few hours collecting and now he was rebelling against Honrin's assertiveness. Horse and owner glared at each other almost hatefully. Honrin bared his teeth and Emmett stamped his hooves warningly. The stand off was tense and both were waiting for the other to make a move. This was a regular occurrence between the pair, they would fall into a dominance fight, sometimes Honrin won and sometimes Emmett did.

Suddenly the young male darted forwards and heaved himself up onto the stallion's back, grabbing hold of the reigns tightly, this would be one hell of a ride. Emmet wasted no time, rearing up tall again and plunging forwards, bucking up his hind legs and trying to unseat his determined owner. But Honrin was totally focused, his golden eyes flaring intensely, the sun like glare to them burning brightly. Emmett streaked back and forth, dodging this way and that, trying every trick he knew to get Honrin off his back.

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