My heart is just too dark to care
[html]ooc; can you have him explain to her what exactly is wrong? from your first post i had trouble figuring out if it were a sprained ankel or a broken leg or something else. xD

Emmanuelle growled under her breath. If he attacked either of them she would do what she had done to the other wolf that had dared do such a thing, decapitate him and put his head on a pike. Did this stupid wolf not realize just who's borders he had come crawling too? One wrong move and she would stick him up for all of Inferni to see. As he spoke she merely grunted, her tail twitching behind her in annoyance. The coyote woman didn't want him to be here, didn't want to help him, but deep down inside her she felt the primal need to help others injure. Somewhat confident that he wouldn't try anything funny she stepped over the line and walked briskly over to him, frustration evident on her normally serene features. There was nothing sunny about her today, that was for sure.

Emma remembered that she had her cloak on, and wrapped it tighter around her body. He didn't need to know she was pregnant and the smell of honeysuckle and lavender wafted off of her, hopefully hiding the hormone scent most pregnant canines excreted. Instantly she grimaced when she caught sight of his leg, it was almost grotesque. " Dear god. If you weren't treated right now your leg would have to be amputated. " She said somewhat gruffly, peering at the wound. The scent of infection hung around this wolf and she looked at him suspiciously, he wasn't rabid was he? The tan coywolf swung her backpack from her shoulder and began sifting through it, taking out all the items she would need. " Now tell me, what exactly happened to your leg. Do you think the bone is broken or your ankle is sprained? The scent of infection is so strong, you probably have an abscess that needs to be drained. " Came her sing-song voice, forgetting the prejudice for a moment as she delved into healing.

Carefully she set out the different mason jars, pausing once in awhile to adjust her cloak to hide the bulge of her stomach. There was a mason jar full of anti-septic liquid which she had created from boiling some water and meadowsweet, mixed with just a little alcohol to preserve the concoction. Next she took out some clothes and gauze, the cloths were going to be used to soak up the pus and to clean the wound, and then the gauze to wrap it. She also withdrew other items, a waterskin, several dried herbs and a dagger. The woman slowly put the dagger down and didn't pay much attention to it, it wouldn't be used to harm the man but to drain the infection from his leg. " What I know for sure I am going to have to drain the infection from your leg, it will be extremely painful at best but once it is gone it will feel better. There will be less pressure coming from the pent up infection. " She said slowly, looking at his eyes and pointing at the dagger. It was still out of reach for him, but within it for her. " I am not going to attack you with it. So make sure you don't get any ideas.. Your name? "

The healer remained poised over her bag, waiting for a report on what he thought was wrong. If she needed anything else, she would need to take it out quickly.


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