There'd be no distance that could hold us back

Sorry for the delay. Things have been kinda nuts lately. And I totally just had to come up with a name for Ghita's mate XD
wc 378

This was so horrible. If it had been hard to tell Naniko about what had happened this was a thousand times worse. She saw the look of worry written all over her dear brother's face. If only she could spare him this pain. But he needed to know. It wouldn't be right to keep it from him. Savina averted her gaze once again when she began to speak. "Not long after you left, Ghita and Carlo became mates and they were going to have puppies. But...she miscarried. Mother and I did all we could to try and help her through it, but we just couldn't get through to her. Then one day when I got up to check on her she was just...gone." The two year old would never forget the panic she had gone through trying to find her sister. She had felt like such a failure. Like she had let Ghita down. "We looked all over for her, but we never could find her. I haven't seen or heard anything since then..." Carlo had been devastated after losing the pups and then Ghita. It wasn't long before he left as well.

That had been difficult to tell him, but it was nothing compared to the blow that was about to be delivered next. Preparing herself, the ebony girl took a deep breath that turned into a bit of a sob. "That's not all though Ehno..." Tears began to roll freely down her cheeks. Her heart ached in her chest. "Not too long ago, right before I ended up here...well mother and I were taking a walk in the woods..." She sobbed again. Closing her emerald orbs as the tears continued to flow from them. Her neck and head were lowered, she wasn't able to look at him while she said it. "There was a came after me first, but mom got its attention on her. She...she was running near the edge of a cliff and it was right behind her...the weight must've been too much and she...she..." The sable girl rushed up to her brother, burying her face against his chest. "She fell...Ehno I'm so sorry..." Her breaths came out in unsteady gasps and sobs. Her entire body and soul seemed to be in pain.


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