If I can change, I hope I never know
Tyko Amini

Name Meaning: 'bulls-eye'

Name Origin: Swedish

Nickname: None

Birthdate: June 12, 2007

Age: 5 years

Luperci: Verto

Heritage: Gray Wolf

Home & Rank: Loner, none

Physical Appearance

Height & Weight

Lupus: 130 lbs, 65 in.

Secui: 190 lbs, 80 in.

Optime 240 lbs, 6 ft 1 in.

No preferred form.

General: Tyko is tall and muscular. He has a decent face and holds decent sex appeal, but his body sports many scars. He doesn’t style his hair into any particular way, and he keeps it as short as possible so that his head, even when in Optime form, will stay wolfy looking.

Eyes: Both eyes are a shade of darker magenta.

Coloration: Tyko’s fur is all black, no markings.

Clothing: He doesn’t wear any at the moment.

Accessories: None.

Scars: He has many that line his body, but a recent one on his ankle from where he had to drain his infection.

Tattoos: None

Piercings: None


General: Tyko is controlling. He likes things to stay in his control, and if they don’t he either gets violent or loses his mind. He has a double personality problem and he hears voices to top it off. His inner personality, named Calix, sometimes comes out and causes havoc by either killing, raping, or hurting somebody – though, it doesn’t happen too often. He is also possessive even though that’s hard to tell when he trades his slave, Abella, around. He’s very possessive to his kids and wants to control them too. He’s blunt and says whatever needs to be said without sugar-coating anything. He’s fearless and ignorant to a lot of things that are outside of his beliefs.

Traits: Controlling, possessive, blunt, fearless, ignorant, incestic.


General Style: His voice is deep and gruff, no visible accent.

Beliefs & Ideals

Sexuality: Straight.

Religion: Sadist.

Prejudices: He doesn’t like Gays or anything that isn’t normal.

General Beliefs: He believes all his female children ‘belong’ to him, and can have his way with any of them, impregnating them with his seed if need be (as long as they’re over 1.5 years old). He doesn’t believe in homosexuality and would try to kill anyone that came onto him like that.

Lifestyle & Behavior

Residence: Tyko lives off the land at the moment, but he will eventually join a pack.

Favorite Haunts: He likes to trade off Abella for sexual and nonsexual favors in order to get things he needs.

Hobbies: Sexual activities, fighting, hunting

Habits: Being super impulsive.

Substances: Alcohol.


Skills: Great fighter

Strengths: Physical strength as well as his ability to persuade people.

Weaknesses: Fighting in Optime without a weapon, he feels that he can’t do as much damage that way.



Maternal Grandmother: Unknown

Maternal Grandfather: Unknown

Maternal Aunts: None

Maternal Uncles: None

Mother: Dahlia Forssell

Paternal Grandmother: Unknown

Paternal Grandfather: Unknown

Paternal Aunts: None

Paternal Uncles: -- None

Father: Xerxes Amini

Same Generation:

Siblings: Javed Forssell (M), Gjord Amini(M)

Half-Siblings: Unknown

Cousins: None


Children: Axelle Napier, Nero Napier, & Kimat Amini

Grandchildren: None

Nieces: Unknown

Nephews: Unknown


Past Packs & Ranks:


Rank : Description.


Isis Domo: Kimat Amini's mother, dead.

Anette Napier: Axelle & Nero Napier's mother, dead.

General: Refer to Tyko's wiki for detailed history.

Character sheet by Sie
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