look at this trove, treasures untold

ooc... They met before when Orin was a member of CdA, but I figured there would be no harm done since they hadn't seen each other since. 700+

It's ME time! Almost a month of nothing but looking after the litter of pups had gone by, and whilst the mother loved her little darlings she was ready for a moment of silence. A moment of not being poked and prodded and pestered. A moment for her body to rest before having to give up even more milk. A moment for her to get out and stretch her legs! So earlier in the day she shifted back to her Optime form for once (it was her preferred form, but feeding her milk to three children was only feasible when in Lupus), set the puppies on the bed and told Mars or Bartholomew or whoever he was today that she was going out, and left before he could retort. If the father tried to follow her she would be sure to give him a reason to let her go. Although Orin loved Mars, and she did not want to be mean, there was only so much a girl could take.

Free of the house and of her responsibilities as a mother, she jogged down the path. Oh, god, how she hated how her body felt. Normally a lean, lithe and petite Luperci, she carried some of her baby fat still. It felt like every inch of her stomach and thigh jiggled with each step she took. She wanted to work it off, she needed to work it off! Luckily a lot of it melted off on its own, but until the children were a little older she had little chance for exercise. And then there was the matter of those things... she thought as she looked down at her chest, which stuck out much farther than she ever wanted it to. She knew eventually they would go down too, once her pups were weaned completely, but for now they, too, jiggled incessantly. She suddenly found herself wishing for one of those contraptions she had seen in a clothing book once...

Anyway, she wasn't about to waste her day off searching Lunenburg for lingerie. She wanted nature, the wildl... she wanted... what was the best place in the Court? The beach! By now she was done with her wild sprint away from the house, and now that she knew where she was going she turned and walked toward the coast.

It wasn't long until the scent of the sea hung thick in the air, and she could hear the gulls – oh how she despised seagulls – screeching as they floated in the air above the waves searching for an easy meal. Soon the ground was soft and wet and her foot paws left deep trenches in the sand. She allowed the sea to take her away, to fill her mind and carry off her troubles as she walked down the coastline.

Did someone just laugh? An ear flicked and she raised her head, her eyes searching the area. The sound was hard to make out over the noise of the ocean, but she could have sworn... yes! Both ears perked and cupped now, turning to meet the voice, and she quickly fell into a step that took her toward it. She saw the grotto there before her. Tide was low now, and it would be easy to walk through the empty tide pools to the cave... as it seemed someone else already had! She was curious who, and she really wanted to be a part of whatever was so amusing.

Hurrying over the rocks, Orin paid little attention to the sea life that the tide had left behind, instead making a straight path into the grotto. “Hello?” She asked, looking around for the one she had heard. Her foot paws slipped on the mossy rocks, and she squeaked as she almost fell onto the unforgiving ground. Now her sight was focused on the rock and catching a good foot hold, so she did not see the young wolf within the grotto before her. She spoke to her feet when she said, “Is somebody here? I thought I heard... laughing... ahh!” She had her balance for a second before slipping on the algae again, and this time she fell flat on her butt with an oof!


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