you're just like, sunlight.

The sobs continued for a few minutes, each one racking her frame more as her sadness increased. She was not alone for long though, and soon a familiar scent wafted through the blueberries followed by an enquiry made by none other then her ginger haired friend, Alma. " Alma? " She asked as she looked up, wiping away the worst of her tears with the back of her hand. " I'm sure you can tell.. but this. " She said, moving to stand up and gesturing to her extended stomach. " Angel is the father, and I don't even think.. he likes me like that... " At this her eyes welled up with tears again and she covered her eyes, embarrassed and ashamed. It was true she was in heat when it had happened but she thought the male had ... felt something for the coyote woman.

Helplessly her slender hands fell to her sides as she looked at Alma with big, doelike mismatched eyes. " I don't know how to raise children! How am I supposed to do it without a father? I mean, I don't know if he wants to or not.. but don't generally children have parents.. that are together? " She asked, her bottom lip trembling. The girl was absolutely at a loss on what to do, she sincerely hoped Alma knew what to do because as it stood the blonde coyote was completely useless at the moment. Emma hadn't even thought of it as she spoke, but what if the bright haired woman judged her? What if she didn't want to be friends with her anymore? Who would she have..

Suddenly her mind was overwhelmed with images of dark-furred bright eyed coyote kids running around and causing havoc on the clan lands, breaking things and setting things on fire. Her eyes widened in horror and a hand flitted to her mouth and she grasped her stomach, suddenly very afraid of having to deal with that alone. " I can't do this by myself. " She whispered, very unsure of herself.


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