Theracus awoke the next morning to a blazing sun. He didn't even have a portion o the strength needed to move. As he sat hungry and tired he began to contemplate his life. Throughout all of his memories one stood out with great significance. He just remembered how he was separated from his pack as a cub.

It was a normal and cool day. A graceful light gray female wolf lay in a field. It seemed that she was in great agony. Her stomach was bursting with what seemed like a cub. This cub was Theracus. As his mother began one last forceful push a small and scrawny cub began to emerge. As the mother lay panting the young cub tried to stand. His legs began to tremble and he fell to the ground exhausted. The other wolves in the pack looked in disgust and began to shun such the mother that could birth such a small and weak cub. With a cruel and unloving heart the mother decided to leave the cub to die in order to regain her spot in the pack. The cub sat there for what seemed like hours as he watched the pack walk away. The cub began to fall asleep from the exhaustion of trying to stand. as he awoke he realized he would have to find a way to eat but how would he of he was so weak? He tried another time t stand and with great effort he was able to stand. He began to take his first steps and started to wander through the woods. After hours of wandering he began to see the outskirts of a small town. He walked toward one of the homes and did not see the family standing outside. He expected the family to flee but as the saw how weak and harmless the cub looked they began to feel pity. So one of the children went inside and returned minutes later with what looked like some meat and a bowl of water. The cub accepted gratefully and after he finished his meal he returned to the border of the woods to rest. This act continued for the rest of his life until the virus hit.

Theracus thought in disgust and anger of how his own mother could do that to him. To leave a young cub to die. He decided with rage that he will not prove his old pact right and show he was not to weak to live. Theracus began to rise with new grown strength and ran wth all of his might to continue his search for aid or better yet his next meal.

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