A New Day, A New Start
WC: 1496

She wanted to beat her head against the cave wall, anything but admit why she was here--to scream until her lungs collapsed and then have a reason not to tell. She wanted to turn tail and abandon ship, but the reason that kept her grounded was woven into the fabric of what had brought her here. Prolonging it, she said, "Pleasure to meet you, Scorpius. So, won't you tell me what's up with your hand?" She knew she had dodged his question and didn't feel too fantastic about being evasive. "I..." she started strong, but after a moment lapsed into a wave of gibberish. She figured she'd make it fast and to the point and then maybe she'd retain what dignity she held for herself. "I got up but it was really dark and I have as great a sense of direction as an earth worm and I'm not really sure how I got here, because I'm as lost as lost can be." She downplayed the breath she sucked in to replace what she'd lost in that long run-on sentence. She was waking up and more nervous/anxious than sassy. She was watching valuable time lapse by and she was still no closer to finding her way out than before. She exhaled slowly to calm herself, she wasn't quite comfortable here yet and it had her as tense as a mattress spring. She also hadn't retrieved her crossbow from her room. Stupid stupid stupid stupid! she chastised herself, knowing she'd have to backtrack. She felt like she was running on a treadmill, working to get forward but going no where.

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