crowd surf off a cliff

It seemed he had arrived during some sort of change, but at least it wasn't disappointing. If anything, arriving when things were changing had always worked out one way or another for him. It had been how he had gotten into sailing and if not for that, then he would have never turned up where he was now. The fact that Inferni had gone through so many leaders brought light to just how long he presumed his mother had been gone from the clan, but that was assuming that Inferni held onto their leaders.

“Both of those would be nice,” Mephisto replied when she prompted him with another question. “And I do have questions, but only if it isn't any trouble for you to answer them. I don't want to overwhelm you, or bother you.” He took a couple of careful steps towards her and her mount, implying that he was more than willing to walk along if she desired. And if she choose to leave him there, then he had no qualms about that either; Mephisto knew how to be resourceful. Information could always have been obtained at a later date.


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