Shared Languages
As far as I understand it (I'll admit, this is vague. Appreciate input from other 'SA'ers also!) canines had high speech prior to being able to shift; current top carnivores have high speech in the 'Soulsverse despite lacking the ability to shift, such as cougars, tigers and bears.

The development of languages, I think, is not coming completely naturally from the wolves' side. They have lived in regions where a certain human language is used, and I believe(?) that it was once said that this influenced the language that wolves spoke. I.e. they speak "English". This idea is reinforced if we take dogs into account, and their lifelong interaction and cohabitation with humans for generations. This accommodates how the wolves are able to read, as well, though clearly there would be a general lack of consistency between pronunciation and written text/phonology regardless, because of the wolves' different mouths, anatomically speaking. Thus, a wolf from England would be able to communicate in NA easier than a wolf from Germany could.

However, I am far from certain that this is the "right" view on language in 'Souls, more input is definitely welcome!

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