Tell ya a little story
Grayson did not flinch when the alcohol seeped into his wound. The stinging was a far lesser pain than he had the unfortunate fate to experience hours earlier, thus he took it in stride, thankful that the worst had passed. An arm was draped across his eyes...the room was spinning again, he could sense it despite his sightlessness. The vision loss was customary, a side effect of the antidote and probably the original toxin as well. It would return to him, in time. He would have liked to see the faces of these wolves, but that, too, would come in time.

"Nice t'meet you, Susquehanna." The words were calm, if weak, with none of the strained breakable quality of before. Grayson paused to bite his lip as nausea twisted in his gut, despairing of vomiting on the female. Barf was doubtless nothing new to the medic, but nonetheless he'd rather keep whatever was left in his stomach where it belonged. When the moment passed he gave a controlled sigh, focusing his mind into a further state of relative tranquility. A rare moment.

" you call yourselves?" Referring to the pack. He was listening intently for a sign that Haku had recovered from his fit and was back inside, but his ears were full with the downpour and the pounding of his blood.

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