Not so eerie whispers

(353) bri bri bri bri bri bri bri bri bri bri bri bri bri bri. Fixed a weird typo in the last post & streamlined Dra's speech a bit. Didn't change anything srs, just wording. Sorry!

Draugr is by Wander!

Her ears pricked forward as his words came to them, and she cocked her head to the side, nodding slowly as if this had already occurred to her. She was surprised, though not at the practicality of the walkways: she hadn't expected to learn their purpose, yet the blonde coyote had provided it for her all the same. The wolfdog tried to remember just what it was she'd said or done to suggest desire of this knowledge; by remembering and using the same technique, she might later learn more of value from others without appearing to ask at all.

Thank you. Though he complimented her, the wolfdog allowed herself a small smile, dipping her head low again in that motion of humility. He accepted her offer with the faintest hint of a smile -- Dra did not know this stone-faced coyote, but this small motion was the most he'd shown her thus far. The wolfdog bayed for one of the slaves, deciding on Khirot. Though she preferred Gjalda, for it was her mother who had captured him -- a fact she took care to mention where it was possible to do so naturally -- the wolfdog found the smaller canine's cooking more enjoyable. The tawny-shaded slave was quick in appearing, rounding the corner of a collapsing stone building and hurrying toward Draugr with his body bent and eyes on her toes.

See to Dyrne and then return to cook this goat, she ordered. Her voice was confident in speaking to slaves now, especially Gjalda. Handing the reins off to the slave, she turned to Itachi, stepping toward him. Her eyes were on the pale stone; she wondered how heavy it was and if she'd be able to lift all he'd carried by herself. She thought it unlikely. What kind of path will we make? she inquired, looking about the yard and awaiting instruction. The noises of motion behind her told her Khirot was removing the goat from Dyrne's back; a few moments later, the tawny slave led the chestnut mare past them and toward Draugr's home.

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