Rivers of misfortune.
Tears filled her eyes and overflowed, her threshold for pain reached. She turned her head away, not wanting Ulilohi to see her crying like a young child. Io she could handle because she was her friend but Ulilohi it just seemed too much and too close to the stupid silly creature that had accidentally let loose the sheep once upon a time. But her self pity grew, why should she hide her pain when so much had already struck her to keep her down. Her children. Ulilohi's question only just made sense, and she struggled to respond through her thick throat,

"They don't remember. But they saw everything. Thankfully they don't remember..." She stared unseeing at the ceiling above her head. A cold shiver worked its way down her body as she thought of what Liam could have done to them, their fragile bodies broken and destroyed like her own, worse because they were small. Her remaining ear flattened even more. She was speaking to herself now, a freezing tone of hysteria in her voice,

"Why did this have to happen to me again! What did I ever do to deserve this life. Isn't it enough.. the countless men who've taken what they want from me. My children dead again and again, struck down before they could even live." She managed to tilt herself onto her side, curling into a ball despite her screaming ribs. Now she spoke to Lucifer, "Daddy.. daddy.. why Daddy. I loved you, why did you hurt me." More tears came, unstoppable as the white fae cried for herself, for the years of suffering.

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