CONTEST -- Xmas in July
Character Name: Reykr Helsi
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 2 years
Example Pictures:

Character Description: Primary body color is bronze; his underside is teak, which fades to deep bronze around the darkest areas of his body. His muzzle, mane, ears, and tail-tip are cola. His eyes are a pale yellow, quite close to sweet corn. His fur is slightly shorter and less thick than most wolves due to his dog's heritage; however, he is quite able to survive cold temperatures and used to harsh winters. His tail is particularly thin of fur. His ears are slightly larger than the average wolf's ears. In his Optime form, he keeps his hair shorn short and as close to a normal wolf's mane as possible. The cut is generally jagged and not so very skilled, as Reykr prefers to do this himself.

Jewelry or Tattoos: He has the valknut in a large brand tattoo across his left flank, its color cedar red from rubbing particular dyes into his healing flesh. His normal clothing would be a bear coat and a black fox pelt loincloth.

Text: None on the avvie.
Picture you would like used: your choice.
Other: N/A

Table Size Preference: 420 px in width, i don't care what height.
Color Scheme: Thistle Green, brown.
Mood: Listen to This song for the mood
Lyrics: Anything from This Song
Picture you would like used: Your choice, it should go along with the song please <3
Other: n/a

Text or Image?: Either one.
Lyrics/Words: Anything from This song
Picture you would like used: Your choice
Other: For this i would like maybe a troll or something mythical creature wise. unicorns please.

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