watch the throne

Word Count → 505 ::
It's been quite a long time since I've had a thread with you! I hope you don't mind me tossing Clover in here.

A month had passed since the blessing that had been the birth of two healthy sons fathered by the Thistle King himself. Much as during her pregnancy, most of Clover’s time was spent within Sirius’ chambers so that it was certain she was receiving the utmost care by the slaves and her daily living was that of luxury. As a child of Mother Earth, Clover had never really had eyes for these kinds of luxuries, but she couldn’t deny that she did not appreciate the king’s attentiveness to her and her sons. He did not love her as she did him, but it was easier for the Lykoi woman to will herself to believe it was so.

She had hardly left the Ruins since Lokr and Larkkin were born, but now that they were older, Clover figured she would permit herself for a quick venture to see Daisy. The mare had been kept in her stall for far too long, and Clover longed to find that smooth curve of her back and race through her love’s kingdom as they had before her frame had grown swollen with life. She allowed herself to push northward into the Borgata Tenzontli after she gathered the mare at the barn, but wouldn’t venture so far east to the garden as she usually would. Though she knew her children were in the care of the king’s slaves, Clover could not bring herself to travel such a distance from her boys. By staying relatively close, she knew Daisy could bring her back to the Ruins in no time at all if that was what she wanted.

The Lykoi woman let herself find the rhythm so most often shared with Daisy – a gentle brush of her fingers, a soft toss of her broad head all spoke volumes between the two. Mother Earth had blessed them with such an understanding of one another that it hardly mattered that their communication was limited to such means. Clover truly felt at peace when she was with the creamy white mare; an ease she couldn’t obtain in many other places.

Their journey along the coast was rather solitary, aside from a gull here or there. It wasn’t until hours had passed and into the afternoon that Clover finally found herself coming into view of another Family member. The women set upon the back of the onyx stallion was one she immediately recognized upon drawing closer. It was in fact the Family’s new Cicerone, the young woman who now led alongside Sirius – in Clover’s mind his queen of sorts, the one that she herself could never truly be to him.

"My lady," she called softly to the woman as Daisy brought her closer along the shore. Clover dipped her head, golden waves falling to obscure her features as she presented the woman with a respectful bow. Daisy tossed her head in a similar fashion, and slender fingers patted her broad neck in affection. "I sense some rain", she commented, before letting her pale gaze travel to the horizon.

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