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Alyssum's tail wagged fiercely behind her as she trotted down the streets of Kingsbury, crossing between the houses at times on her way back to courthouse. The reason for her excitement was clear; a rather plump and furry rabbit dangled from her jaw by its stuff, limp in her grip. It had seemed that her hunting by herself without the aid of her friend was going swimmingly; she had managed to track and capture a fast-footed animal without the magpie's eyes or her bow, both which she heavily relied on. It had felt strange to hunt in lupus form, since she preferred her two legs, but it was a nice change of pace.

"Caught fat rabbit have Aly?" Speaking of the feathered devil, Macbeth fluttered down from above and lightly onto her shoulders, shiny eyes trailed on the prey in her muzzle. "Sure did!" she replied back, though her words were muffled and distorted by the rabbit's fur. "It was not easy, but I did it." The bird gave a sort of noise that was akin to a sigh, ruffling his black and white feathers.

"Done bragging? Macbeth saw new wolves today while Aly hunts. Maybe new Casa members. Or maybe visiting wolves like Arte." She blinked at his news, but while it somewhat surprised her, she was nonetheless happy to hear that some others were there. "One is in Fort. Not far." "Really now?" she asked him, which he replied with a bob of his head. Alyssum tried to scent where he was, but the rabbit blocked the smells aroud her, and ended up wandering the streets, looking for someone she did not know.

After a couple of moments, and not coming across a fresh trail, she sighed and slumped down onto her haunches near an empty shop in the town square. Deciding that whoever it was probably already left the Fort, she set down her rabbit, and began to eat it, taking little bites from it. Often, she picked off a tiny piece with her teeth and tossed it off to the side, which Macbeth grabbed with his beak and swallowed them down.

(355) Alyssum is in lupus form. For Shaw, somewhere in Fort Kingsbury. :B

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