Doing what I know best... protecting
Aylu stood as Skye approached. He bowed low to her and helped Sarian up. She leaned against him heavily and whimpered slightly as she stepped on her left hind paw. "Skye this young woman is Sarian Grant. She used to live here as a pup," he said as Sarian pushed away from him and put out a hand. "I would like to stay here ma'am. I left Orin to come back here... something is here for me. My... mother had run here from Aniwaya during the war," she whispered as Aylu came up behind her to keep her from falling over.

"I hope this isn't too much to ask but I would like to have Sarian stay with me. When she was with Orin I saw much potential in her. She could learn so much from me and I don't want to turn her out. She is different," said Aylu as Sarian shook in his arms. He picked the young woman up, not wanting anything to happen to her if she fell. He watched her with a father like gaze. He wanted her to go far.

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