That Canada sunrise
[html] im slow too.

Oak watched the collie woman, finding her interesting and curious. From her movements to the way she spoke to the way she searched his form in the hopes of reading him. But he did not find her strange or unlikeable at the least. Oak had grown up knowing that not everyone was always the same. I think your easy to like. He confirmed, not one to cast aside her feelings but simply expressing his own.

It was true, his was trying to be strong but Oak was very unsure about the future. He did not know what to do with himself on most days, where before he knew what needed to be done in his ranking and made sure it was completed. Now, everything was different and unstable. It hasn’t been easy. he confessed with a sigh, but he looked at Bambi without a frown. He didn’t want to be weak and express his true feelings, not when the girl seemed to absorb the feelings around her.

He watched and listened as she responded to his question. It was then that he frowned in sadness. Nana was the cat she had with her the last time he had seen her in the d’Arte pack lands. She was lonely, and that something that Oak could understand. I’m sorry about Nana. he spoke with a tone that told her of his sadness. He placed a hand on her shoulder in the hopes of consoling her. He thoughts of the mistake she had made, I’m sure she would forgive you. Good friends and family always forgave one another.


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