[aw] ye may eat the flesh of kings


Ithiel is by me!

His shoulders twitched in a shrug, and he looked over the gifts again, curious as to what was the matter with them. The trinkets were not to his liking, of course, but the dusky-hued hybrid saw the practical value of these other gifts given and knew there were many canines unlike him, the sorts who valued pretty baubles such as the jewelry. I have no message, just what I bring. We needn't give anything back to wolves at all. It is a kindness, even if your sort thinks it small. he said, blunt as ever.

Those who served in the battles received the first choice of goods. Those who remained home received the second choice. Those who served not at all receive no choice, only what we deign to give. Though the dust-furred hybrid recognized the cock of her hips and shoulder, the hand on one hip, and knew what it meant, but he spoke only what he considered truths, and without anger. Ithiel's voice held its typical pattern of flat neutrality, though irritation rose deeper within him. He had expected some amount of ingratitude or even bewilderment, and he was prepared for it, at least as best as he could.

Regarding the skinny woman with his cool red eyes, he considered her rank and whether he might be better seeking another. A half-second of rumination told him he ought to just leave off entirely, that even if she was ranked lowly within the pack, he was likely to receive the same response from the upper ranking wolves, too. He was a coyote, after all -- it was to be expected, no matter where he went. Whether she spoke for all of the pack as an alpha or addressed him from somewhere significantly lower in the hierarchy, he had done his duty and delivered the goods.

If your pack does not want them, I will take them away with me. Either way, I will go now.

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