[aw] and all the king's men

Sparrow had not known much about the relations of the southern packs, but if they were unstable, she was certain that they would not have asked her to send the packages to them, nor was she told about past infractions made by either party. If anything, the woman was hoping to help build better connections between Inferni and the rest of the packs, and was unaware of anything terrible occurring, or believed that it was water under the bridge. In any case, she found the king and his daughter to be friendly, and was not concerned that their meeting would go wrong.

"He left Inferni," she answered simply, "He did not announce his leave publicly, so I do not know his reasons. All my clan knows is that he left the leadership to Myrika Tears, one of his distant relatives." There was speculation, of course, but there was no definite answer. The mottled coywolf herself held no assumptions, for she did not know the man all too well. In whatever case, though, she was pleased that the clan was left in the capable hands of the redhead.

She smiled at the girl as her curiosity finally spoke for itself, and handed the bag towards Charlotte so that she may take a look for herself if she wanted. "Its mostly jewelry, necklaces, bracelets, earrings, rosaries, and horse gear, all in good condition," she explained verbally, hoping that they would like what she was giving. She had faintly smelled horses, so she hoped that the tack and other things would be of use for them. As for the various baubles, they could always trade it away if they did not want to keep for themselves.


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