we are, we are, we are
For Jassy and Aiden! Backdated to July 31. Halcyon Mountain.

She had spoken with him. It had gone well enough, she supposed. She had not expected it to go spectacularly, but she had been prepared for Gabriel to erupt, or even chase her away. The negative end of the scale had been clearly weighted, but she had readied herself for that, she knew.

Now it was over, and she could head home. She felt better now that she had spoken with him; much better. She exhaled slowly, pausing, mid-step to do this. She inhaled, then exhaled again, readying herself. She did feel better. It was a good thing.

She nodded quickly to herself, then continued her trek across the mountain. Although the south side was easier to scale, it didn't mean it was an easier trek than one through the Dampwoods. She had suddenly gotten the urge to walk along the ridge of the mountain, to see the lands spread out before her. The urge to see the land as the sun began to fade.

It was a nice feeling.

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