Then I'll follow you into the dark


Word Count → 507

Hati barely stirred when he heard the door creak nearby. If he had wanted solitude, he would have to leave his home far behind; there were always comings and goings here. His was a busy household full of good food and good company, and he would not mind if one of his kin wanted to spend time with him here in the shade. His ears flicked idly, listening to the sounds of someone approaching. As long as he was not about to be pounced on by Skoll or Terra, he was not concerned. He was surprised, though, to hear the deep rumble of his father's voice, and he quickly straightened his lounging posture without consciously realizing he did so. "Yes, Father," he replied quickly, plumed tail thumping against the grass in greeting. "It's been so hot lately..." He was going to ask if the heat was bothering him as well, but his voice trailed off when he realized it was a silly question. His father could weather anything without complaint; why would he care that it was summer? "...I hope you are doing well," he finished, his formal tone even as always, concealing the vague intimidation he felt as his father settled on the grass beside him.

His sire was still bigger than him, and perhaps he always would be. That was the way it was meant to be, Vigilante as a powerful larger-than-life figure to him. Hati held a deep admiration for his father and the respect that his rank commanded, that much was irrefutable. But there was also some strain in their relationship, a tension caused by the uncertainty Hati held toward his own worth. He wanted to be an asset to his father and the kingdom, to shoulder responsibility and be seen as mature and useful. But he did not know how. There was no talent revealed to him after he had finally shifted for the first time. What was his purpose? He did not feel close enough to his father to ask him for advice, fearing it would be seen as a childish weakness.

Still, Hati and Vigilante held more in common than he had realized when he was younger; they were both quiet males, content to listen while others spoke before carefully choosing the words they would say. Perhaps they shared the same seriousness, the solemn dignity with which they viewed the world around them. But Hati knew he lacked the courage and confidence it took to be a leader like his father, something his charismatic brother had inherited instead. He was slow, always the last to learn new tasks or try something for himself. He was self-conscious of this, and perceived judgment in his father's eyes whether it was actually there or not. He did not know how much independence was expected of him, whether he should be traveling to other packs as Skoll did, or if it was alright that he would rather stay at home with Mother. He doubted himself, and he expected his father to doubt him as well.

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