TBH, I really like the idea of changing the ranks for a few reasons:

- It's fairly obvious to everyone what they are at a glance. While tooltips and hovers are useful in the rank listings, it doesn't help when you're posting with someone and can only see their title -- we don't do tooltips in titles. :<

- Lots of other packs use foreign languages for their ranks. In this regard, I feel that English rank names are actually kind of unique. Lots of packs use foreign languages for ranks, co-ranks, or even both. This was kind of a deciding factor for me in re-doing Inferni's Co-Ranks. They're all actual English words, albeit some rarer than others (some so much so that it's not entirely obvious what they are at a glance, so this is in flagrant violation of my first point XD).

- I don't feel tons of Italian really fits with CdA. Tbh, I feel this is kind of an anomaly within CdA -- they're focused on trading and art, and there aren't very big Italian influences on the pack as a whole (please correct me if I'm wrong and I've missed something HUGE on this point, I'm not great at keeping up with IC stuff!). It might be that there's another /language/ or /style/ that fits CdA better than English, and if so, maybe the ranks can again change in the future (IF's ranks have changed so many times, lol) but for right now, I feel simplistic English names are the way to go. Despite this point, I do like the idea of keeping some foreign influence in the rank group names. This keeps a touch of the exotic!

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