Round about way.

WC:: 546 pgp: +5 Form: Optime

Alistair awoke in his den, bihued eyes sleepy as he slowly rose from the bedding. He stretched with a satisfied grumble before grabbing some jerky and stuffing it in his mouth. He promised Dolaidh that he would walk her around and such. No matter how much Dolaidh angered Ali, he would still give her what she wanted. She was still a living creature, after all. No matter how much she loved chomping on his flesh. Alistair dressed himself briskly, wearing the same style as usual. A low v-neck, jeans, all that jazz. He grabbed Dolaidh's saddle along with a bit of hay just sitting around. Might as well give her some. As he took a step outside, he froze. Brrr. This weather must sincerely hate him! Alistair wasn't the type for stormy weather. He ran back inside of his den, grabbing the cloak that he would commonly wear. Ali put it on sloppily and was off. It wasn't like anyone besides Dola was going to see him...Right?

Dolaidh gave an unsatisfied snort as soon as he appeared. Ali rolled his eyes in reply, as he plopped the saddle on her back. Dolaidh didn't move nor did she attempt to bite Alistair as he prepared the saddle. However, as soon as he finished up and grabbed the hay for her to eat, she snatched it out of his hand and nearly took of a finger. Alistair quickly pulled his hand back, eyes narrowed. "Goddamn horse...." He grumbled, and Dolaidh soon snorted (As if replying with a sassy remark). Alistair took a glance at his finger, just to make sure it wasn't bleeding or something. Luckily, it was only throbbing red. The surfer glared at the saucy creature, but she gave the most innocent look she could possible manage. He held the glare for a moment, before letting out a heavy sigh. "Whatever....Just...Come on." Alistair began walking, Dolaidh hesitant following. Alistair had found a near by field-like place close to the communal area. He had no worries of her being stolen, mostly because she would have been howling war cries and trampling the thief. She was already stolen once (By Alistair) and she wasn't about to be stolen again! Alistair approached the communal area, glancing backwards to check if she was still following. However, she seemed to be distracted by a particularly tender patch of grass. Alistair sighed and rubbed his temples, before he heard a word. Duck. Duck?

Alistair glanced into the communal area, spotting a female. Wait hold up. A female? A female he DIDN'T know? What had the world come to!? Ali watched her from his cover near Dolaidh, observing for a minute before finally stepping into the communal area. She was smaller than him! Wow. "....Gooooooossseeee." His reply was soft as he slowly approached the female, a look of curiosity entering his eyes. She was certainly small, and not to mention rather thin. However, it wasn't the starving kind of thin. More of a...Natural thin. Alistair didn't really want to get close to her; he was afraid that if he even poked her she would break. "Hiya. I'm Alistair Gibson." His voice was friendly, bihued gaze set upon her with an easygoing sparkle. "Oh! Over there is Dolaidh." He figured he might as well introduce the horse too.

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