Desired Profession Path: Animal Care

Guen's biography contains clarification of her history with the Aniwaya pack.

"Hoh, Copper. Good girl..."

Guennéan, sitting atop her chestnut mare in Optime form, pulls up at the fence that marks the border of the Aniwaya territory. Her stomach is in knots and her hands tremble with anticipation and anxiety. This is the place, she thinks, this is where I came from, where I was born, where I drew my first breath and drank my first milk. Yet I remember nothing and no one.

It has taken her several weeks to travel here after leaving her parents in a fit of bravery and rebellion. The journey was pleasant enough; Copper is a good mare - steady, strong and sensible. Guen wishes she could borrow some of that calm self-assurance now that her journey is at its end. She has dreamed of this day her whole life: dreamed of coming to her true home and finally finding a place where she is rooted down by unwavering love. But now that she is here at the border, worst-case scenarios are running through her head: what if she is chased away like a common trespasser? What if no one remembers her birth the previous summer? What if the reason for her parents' abrupt departure from Aniwaya was because of some terrible deed committed by them, and she herself will be painted with the same brush...and hated?

But she has come all this way - she can't turn back now. For all she knows, her parents, with their travelling lifestyle, have wandered leagues beyond where they were when she left them, to a place very difficult for her to find on gut instinct and faint scents alone. Besides, despite all of her fears, this is her rightful home. She was born here, the first faces she saw were those of the Aniwaya pack members. She wants this so badly. She wants to be part of something. She wants to connect to the spirit world. She wants to find love, friendship.

Bracing her hands on her mares neck, hoping to draw some of the horse's strength into her, she howls: I AM HERE.

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