Lands End
(542) you know what my otp is ROBERT AND FASHION.

His stare became incredulous as she justified her reasons, which in his opinion were not very good. "Books are not worth getting injured, miss Eclipse," he said sternly, his eyes narrowed. He wanted to feel bad that she got hurt because of him, in an indirect way, but his mind only tuned his emotions out as annoyance and impatience for the woman. "If they were, you would certainly see me out and about in a trouble-ridden place like Halifax." He could have went on and rattle about it, but he made himself silent, knowing it would only be an endless circle of backs and forths. Though he did not talk about it, he could not help but think about all the worse dangers she could have had faced besides rats and shards of glass. His face screwed by as he became resigned to the fact that he was a bit relieved that she was only attack by a rat and nothing bigger, and that she only had a minor wound.

"It is of no bother to me," he stated simply in reply to her thanks, and made something that was like a shrug of the shoulder, though it was a bit more awkwardly performed because of the form he was in. He waited quietly as she wrapped the wound once more, and he wondered if she felt better with a cleaner cloth to dress her injury in. He hoped so--this was the second time he was giving away his much loved clothing, though this time he was tearing them up like some wild beast. He sighed through his nose at the thought of his depleting closet, but he knew it was for the greater good. Robert just wished there was more things besides his clothing around to be handy.

He blinked as the woman stated she was finished, and once again the man sighed at the thought of his coming doom. The reason why he did not take Eclipse's injury as an excuse was mainly because he knew that she would just butt heads with him until he gave in, and the fact he was wanted to get it over with as soon as possible. Even as much as he wanted to go home, he put on a quivering brave face and stepped into the undergrowth. The leaves brushed over his pelt and face, and the familiar smell of the familiar plants he read about calmed him down a bit, and at least found a little enjoyment in it.

But, it did not last long as a new scent suddenly waved off of the ground, and he pointed his nose towards it to get a better smell. It was a rabbit, and recalling Eclipse's words from earlier about catching at least a rabbit, he began to follow the trail, his gait becoming a bit faster. But, he stopped suddenly when he nearly stepped into a small clearing, lush green grass sprouting without much competition. In a clover patch sat the prey, unaware of the hunters that were nearby. He glanced up at her, as if half hoping she would shot it, and tracking a rabbit would have been enough to satisfy her. But, he had the faintest of feelings that it wasn't.


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